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Welcome to 7-10

Inquire - Play - Create - Collaborate in a learning environment designed for young teens.

Engineering Robot Car

Small school experience

Intentionally small and multiage to prioritise personalised learning, individual and team growth and positive relationships.

Modern Interior Design

Dynamic inquiry learning environment

Bespoke curriculum design, teaching models and learning formats that enable meaningful learning in indoor and outdoor locations.

Technology at School

Young person focused

Fostering belonging, adaptability and innovation through flexible scheduling, collaborative curriculum design and community-oriented experiences.

Our day

Our day begins at 10am and ends at 4pm.

Upon arrival, we get settled and get started with our learning plan.

Each young person's learning plan is unique, so there is no set timetable.


A learning plan will involve some or all of the following and more:

Artistic Living Room

Open studio

Public Park

Outdoor experiences

School Laboratory

Studio time

Study Groups

Coaching sessions


Group lessons

One-On-One Tutoring

1:1 sessions

Engineering Robot Car


Man Holding Camera

Inquiry time

Paint Cans

Wellbeing sessions


Each young person chooses the language they would like to learn in Years 7 and 8 (from the approved Australian Curriculum languages list).


While it is optional in Years 9 and 10 to study a language, we encourage each young person to continue with their language learning.

The Compass framework for learning (7-10)

utilises the dimensions of

inquiries, focused learning and partnerships

to deliver the Australian Curriculum in engaging, active and rigorous ways.

Science Class

Inquiry is a fundamental part of Compass, informing curriculum design and being our core pedagogy as it is an approach that makes the most of a young person’s sense of curiosity and wonder.


Compass embraces the fluid nature of the inquiry process and realises the many forms this can take. These range from teacher to young person-initiated inquiries, guided or self-directed inquiries and project or problem-oriented inquiries. 


Three levels of inquiry

Each young person is engaged in three levels of inquiry.

Inquiry flow.png
Young Activist

Focuses on the world around us and involves working as a whole cohort toward a shared goal.

Engineering Robot Car

Focuses on a shared area of interest and involves working in a small, multi-age team.


Focuses on you and supports you to independently pursue an interest, passion and inquiry while focusing on your academic and personal growth.

Each young person works with their teacher coaches to schedule focused learning options such as



Focused learning sessions target and support specific learning needs and preferences.


In these session, young people build upon their knowledge, concepts, skills and strategies through tailored instruction, practise and application.


This may also include a focus on habits, techniques or mindsets useful to a lifelong learning journey.


Focused learning is a time when Compass teachers pay particular attention to the young person’s level and employ tailored instruction and coaching methods.

Focused learning sessions target the learning of discipline concepts, knowledge and skills ‘just in time’ rather than ‘just in case’.


Each young person works with their personal and team coaches to identify focused learning opportunities that target learning from across  disciplines that are relevant to the young person's needs, interests and goals.


Focused learning sessions include -






Partnerships refers to relationships and networks within and beyond the school that support each young person to learn, flourish and thrive in learning and in life and feel a true sense of belonging.


These partnerships include:


  • The Compass team

  • A collab team

  • The Compass community.


Our unique Compass community is special to us and each person’s contribution enriches the experience for us all.









Teacher coach

Connect team





Volunteering experiences


Immersion experiences

Flexible learning spaces

Community resources


Compass secondary in action

In this example, Alex is enrolled in Year 7 at Compass.

It is Term 1 and they are currently engaged in these inquiries:

Skater on the Steps

Personal Inquiry

What is the science behind skateboarding?

Family Photo Album

Team Inquiry

Who do you think you are?


Ancestry and people through the ages

Studio Set Up

Community Inquiry

Short film extravaganza:

How can short films raise awareness of social and environmental issues?

Alex will work with a teacher coach to map out the activities for this inquiry.


They will work together to link learning to the Australian curriculum at the level suited to Alex's interests and needs.


Each week, Alex will meet with their teacher coach to talk about and reflect on their progress and to identify next steps.


Alex will book in focused learning options to suit their needs. For example:


  • a 1:1 session with a Maths teacher to focus on angles

  • a small group lesson with an English teacher to look at skateboarding culture in texts

  • a self-paced module about product (skateboard) design

  • studio sessions using CAD and construction tools to design and build a skateboard.

Chemistry Class


A tailored learning approach means we can boost, extend and accelerate as needed. We support all future pathways with a rigorous and fulfilling academic journey that supports each young person to thrive.

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